Back for Another one?

The prodigal son has returned. Apparently Earl is back from Samoa. Guess what the first thing he when he got home was? Yea, you're right. He recorded a song with Tyler like the old days. OF fans all over went nuts as the track fittingly titled "Home" crashed the net last night. With lyrics like "Self-loathing narcissist/ Spittin' crowbars out the back window of cars and shit/ And acting like a klonopin binge, hardening/And switching up the moniker of artists into arsonists," it's clear that the kid still knows how to rock the mic. But how about we listen and give the kid a chance to settle and just do him before we throw laurels at his feet. The kid may well be the hottest MC by the end of this year, but let's not set him up to fail. I'm hoping Earl isn't treated like ASAP Rocky in the way that he has critics eagerly awaiting his first official release. Only time will tell, but at least he's back and there's a possibility he might be on tour with them this fall. Video below:
