Change in the game??

This post is in response to Lil B announcing that his next album is to be called "I'm Gay". Very interesting album choice for a rapper. Aren't those guys supposed to be wildly homophobic and misogynistic? Clearly Lil is punning on his album title meaning I'm happy, but the album definitely will gain attention for the title. Although Lil B isn't trying to raise homosexual awareness, this album will in some ways. Many people seem shocked and surpirsed at the title and assume that Lil B is homosexual, but I'm not surprised at all. This is the same guy that stated he's "a pretty b***h" repeatedly in songs. I definitely admit that he's doing things that he definitely doesn't understand, but it's interesting to note them. In the super homophobic rap culture it's interesting to see a rapper who seems to flaunt all the norms of the culture, even if he doesn't mean to. Let me know what you guys think.

Link to an article about his album here
